One of the wonderful things about the internet is finding creative spirits whose work you love.
Elizabeth Armstrong in Melbourne, Australia is one of those fiber artists who makes the most incredible felt pieces and also teaches workshops in her home studio. We just completed our second art trade and she made me this lovely piece. I just had to share it with you! She dyes her own wool and makes all kinds of things with it. Of course she tucked in a bunch of other fun stuff-roving, yarn, a journel, hand dyed silk fiber to play with...I'm a lucky girl!

And look what sweet Marie Thayer sent me! A hand quilted "tea cup cozy"! She even stitched a secret message on the inside and named it "Dream time". Marie always leaves me the nicest comments and that makes my day!

In addition to blogland there is Facebook. I found Magaly Ohika there and fell in love with her art. I had to order a few things from her Etsy shop including this print and the funny cat below. She also tucks in a few surprises to make you smile.

Charlotte Lyons is an artist, author and teacher that Pam Garrison introduced us to at Artfiberfest last year. So fun to be with, she and Pam kept us laughing until the wee hours of the morning. She will be teaching this Spring at the Mary Englebreit workshops-wish I was going, but Syd and Sukey will be giving us a full report. We did some fun trades through the mail including this great little fiber collage piece. I love how she used a canvas to make a sort of shadow box.

Colleen knows that I love hearts and gave me this cool folk art piece from India. I love the little angel on the bottom..

And somehow Syd found this vintage paper doll set for me, probably as old as I am!

It is dangerous and delightful to have a friend who owns a bakery! Especially if it is the Solvang Bakery...Susan Halme generously filled a gift box with 3 boxes of treats that she knew I would love. I managed to send some along with Jason to take to his college friends so I wouldn't eat everything! They happily devoured what came their way.

Syd added a new gnome to the vintage ones that she had already given me. Hand carved- they are only inches tall and have little felt clothing.

My boys came through and made me hand made birthday cards. After I picked up Justin from school I headed off to Goleta Beach for a walk while he worked on homework. I couldn't resist adding two new Yarn tags to the tree there. Today when I went for a slightly rainy walk someone had tucked some flowers into one of the tags!
And as I headed out for my walk I heard this man say, "There's a seal in the men's bathroom!" Well, I had to take a look and yes, there was a large sea lion heading into the men's bathroom. The Sea Mammel Rescue Squad was called and they netted him and took him off to feed and bring him back to health. A little excitement on the waterfront!
So now back to major house cleaning. The boys are having some friends over for Super Bowl and with house construction and all I got a little lazy. At least now I can actually walk around in my Art Room!
And just want to say Thank YOU! for all the nice Birthday Wishes...I appreciate each and every one !!!