I can't seem to stop making fabric house charms! Or little stuffed hearts either....
I keep trying to make them smaller and smaller so they will work as an actual charm...but so far the smallest one is about 2" tall. And somehow they have gotten much brighter! Must be that fabric I bought the other day!
Background fabric is something that I painted months ago, inspired by Alma Stoller.
And I know that I can't resist joining Debbie and Gail's fabric charm swap for Artfiberfest! So I must start NoW!
And if I can bring myself to leave the house, (I love being home) there are artists from all over the world creating incredible chalk paintings down at the Santa Barbara Mission..it's called " I Madonnari".....they started on Saturday and will finish up today. I usually take my boys for a look after all the crowds have gone later in the week but it's fun to see the artists at work....if I do go, I will try and get some photos to share...
And on this Memorial Day...I think of my brother, John...who got drafted and sent to Viet Nam...he survived that....but later took his own life at age 39. I still miss him...he was funny, a great athlete, supportive of my art, a Mensa member and had collections of all sorts. One whole wall of his bedroom was covered, floor to ceiling with cigar boxes! He had a little book in which he kept all the boxes catagorized...there are some kind of numbers and letters on the bottom of the boxes and he had favorite brands....the wooden ones were the best! He made the rounds of all the liquor stores in South Pasadena and would ask for empty boxes. When I was growing up I would take my friends in and show them his wall of cigar boxes to their amazement. He also glued coins on floor to trick you into picking them up, only to realize you'd been caught once again! And while John was stuck in Viet Nam, my older brother was in the Peace Corps in Nepal. He brought me back a funny hat and a cool purse made from Yak wool, long gone... don't know why these memories are popping up....but, oh well....
And needless to say...I have always been a PEACE advocate. I marched for Peace in the 60's and again today. As part of my daily meditaion I send Peace around the world (Love, too!) and support those who are doing their part to make the world a better, safer, healthier and more loving place.
If you want to get invovled in an artistic way...visit the
www.globalartproject.org/ ...a great way to get kids involved in a global art exchange...(adults welcome, too..)
...OK...that's all for today!